Support Efforts to Deliver Clean, Reliable Public Water in Your Community
Public water suppliers are working with state regulators to lower PFAS6 levels in drinking water sources where it is found. There is a role for the community to play in protecting your public water supply and supporting the professionals who work to deliver safe water to your faucet every day.
Understand the Value of Drinking Water
While every community is different, the solution to PFAS contamination often requires financial resources. Often, the only reliable source of revenue for public water suppliers is the consumers. The reality of the PFAS problem is consumers will shoulder the expense of delivering safe, reliable water to homes, schools, and businesses.
The cost of removing PFAS6 and how much water rates increase will depend on many factors. Your local water supplier will balance the need to protect public health with choosing cost-effective treatment methods. They may also look for opportunities to reduce expenses, such as applying for zero-interest federal construction loans.
One community decided the solution to filtering out PFAS, iron and manganese was the construction of a new $30 million water treatment plant. The average residential consumer was advised the $47 monthly water bill would increase over four years to $67 per month. Even with this increase, safe, reliable water delivered directly to the tap remains a great value:
The cost per gallon of drinking water from public water supplies is pennies per gallon when compared to a dollar or more per gallon for bottled water.
Compare your water bill to other less-essential household expenses and consider whether paying more for cleaner water is a worthwhile investment.
Vote to Support PFAS Treatment Projects & Your Water Suppliers
The solution may require votes at town meetings and on ballots, and consumers who are registered voters are encouraged to participate and voice support for the water supplier plans. The municipal water suppliers require the support of their community in order to lower PFAS6 levels. Even if you install an in-home filtration system, your public water supplier will need your support to fund a system-wide solution when PFAS6 is found at levels over the state limit.
Other ways to support:
Contact your federal and state legislators and urge them to advocate for capital project funding to help local public water suppliers provide safe and reliable water.
Contact state officials and urge state-level action to identify and hold accountable the parties responsible for the release of these chemicals into the environment. While local water suppliers may attempt this individually, a coordinated statewide action is needed.